Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog 5- Arguing the Unarguable; slavery

For over 300 years slavery was a prime source of labor, in America. It saved money by not having so many employed or not paying everyone, slavery gave money to only a certain amount of people which kept things into circulation. There are so many reason why slavery should be brought back in today’s society. Honestly it would change everything and make things a lot simpler and perhaps change and make our economy and money circulation so much better.
The topic of slavery in the 1800’s was pretty much black or white; I guess that could be used in a literal aspect as well. But for this example I mean it was black or white by saying people, mostly in the South agreed with the use of slaves for labor. Or people most in the North and other regions did not agree with slavery and/or saw no need for it. My argument for slavery starts with a quote from the Bible, Leviticus 25:44 it states “Your male and female slaves are to come from nations around you; from them you may by slaves”. This is stated in the bible Americans and people all around the world are usually big on religion, it’s a major factor in almost everyone’s lives faith and/or religion. The statement above is saying it is okay to own or buy slaves from people or countries not close to you. Basically that we should not enslave our own people but enslave people of character that we do not know, or people not from our country.
Another big issue in the society of America is the economy, and low employment. Back in the day when slavery was around we barely heard of problems like this. People who owned slaves ruled the economy, and circulation of money and everything else that went around the world or country. Have you ever heard the statement that most people born or living with money are usually more responsible with it than those who come into money. For example the people who enslaved in the 1800’s were pretty much already wealthy people, most being born into it . Which is why most of the money was invested and not just spent outrageously, we need a change in America to help our economy get better. With slavery there will be no problem with unemployment because people are forced to work, and no problem with having money or national debt because most of these people are not getting paid.
I think slavery would be very beneficial to the United States, not the same slavery as in the 1800’s and conditions not be as harsh, and not just slavery on only black people it could be white people to even Mexicans, mostly poor people. The ones who are not benefiting to the economy or able to take care of themselves.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Technologically dependent; Blog 4

            For about 20 years now the world has become very digitized, as in very technologically applicable. We have opportunities such as books to be eBooks, as in not going to a library and checking out a book; but going online and saving it to your kindle device, or even an application on your phone. Even the whole process of watching movies have changed, or not even watching them but checking them out, instead of going to a blockbuster down the street and looking through thousands of movies, you can drive to the corner store and just search the redbox, or log on to your Netflix account and stream the movie from your computer to your television, which is not only cheaper but easier. But not only has the entertainment retrospect of life has changed but so has other stuff like going to the doctor’s office, most offices don’t save background information on files anymore but rather on computers, and flash drives to save space and even save tree’s. So if the whole computer system was to shut down what would they do? Of course most have back-up drives and such but still there is a small possibility that may not be reliable. The question asked in this blog is technology eventually going to ruin  mankind? Ruin us as in if they whole world had some kind of catastrophic disaster and aliens or even other types of creatures or humans invaded us, would they know anything about us? No they wouldn’t, especially if they did not have the same kind of technology as we do. Such as computers, laptops, iPhones, email addresses, or even if this disaster didn’t ruin every bit of electronics we had would these creatures know how to work it, probably not. If our 50 year old parents barely can work a computer and someone is clearly showing them how, how on the earth do you expect someone or something to learn with no help at all? Ultimately this would become a problem, not necessarily for the people ruined by the disaster but for the people coming to earth. Why? Because they wouldn’t know anything about what possibly happened to us, what we were like, how to maybe help the planet and not hurt us. They wouldn’t know how to access any of that information because we are so technologically dependent. When we have artifacts from the past it helps us maintain our present; such as the declaration of independence, if people never had found that, or been able to understand it our country or even the world may not be what it is today, it could be totally chaotic and out of control because we would have no since of government. So in reality this isn’t hurting us, because we know how to use and develop technology but it could possibly hurt future generations, creatures, or beings that come to our planet; only in the case of catastrophic event.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beastly Creature; Blog 3

“…Boom…” that’s the sound I heard from my bedroom that dark, and cold Saturday night. I was home alone, lying on the couch, lights off, with my pink and grey sweat pant suit on watching Criminal Minds; I had the television high enough to distract me but, low enough to hear anything suspicious. But this noise was so loud, I’m sure the neighbors heard it; it was so loud and excruciating that my ears burned from the sound, it was something I had never heard before. I contemplated on whether I should go check on it or immediately call someone. My instincts told me to check, I hopped off the couch and grabbed the closest, sharpest object I could find; a knife from the kitchen and crept my way up the stairwell. What was once 12 steps seemed like now 5. As I lurked up the stairs I saw a something I had never seen before. It was like something out of the wild, something straight un-real. It was tall, with big red eyes like a vampire, it had long hairy arms like some wild beast and it just stared at me with those big red eyes. It smelled like death, like some foreign animal had just gone to my room and died. I suddenly had no sense of connection to what I had just seen. Instead of trying to fight this beast I ran downstairs and just as I got to almost the last step, I tripped. This beastly creature had grabbed my pants they ripped in half; my ankle was completely sore, and pounding with pain. My pants were ripped in half and my mouth was drenched with blood from the fall. The creature wallowed over me and just breathed, breathed with a vengeance. As if I had betrayed it or hurt it, it growled and barked like a dog at me I just lied there and didn’t move, maybe it wouldn’t notice me. Just as I thought my life was over, out of nowhere I see another beast trampling down my stairs, and attacks the original beast as if it was angry with it. I got up and ran, ran like I had never ran before to the closest hiding place I could find, the living room closet. All I heard while sitting there was furniture being torn in 2, loud grunting noises like 2 hungry lions fighting over a piece of meat, than all of sudden silence struck. I slowly opened the closet door, turned on the lights to find blood all over the living room floor, and 2 beastly creatures nowhere in sight. When my parents walked in and I explained to them the whole story and catastrophe that had just struck our home but, nobody believed me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cyber Etiquette

“Hey what’s up, what are you doing” … “Nun much jst chillinggg, wby.” So the person who started this conversation is probably thinking in their head right now; what is “jst” and why does chilling have so many “g’s” at the end of it. Or even sounding out “w-b-y”, at least that’s what I assume they’re probably thinking if they don’t know proper text-slang.
            The idea of text messaging, at least the first thing I remember about it is much more modern/common than it was whe­­n texting was first introduced. I can remember having to connect to the internet, type out a message, and practically pray that the internet would stay connected so the message would send and I wouldn’t have to start all over again, well at least for sprint phones that’s how it was. However now communicating via text is as simple as tying a shoe, if one knows how to tie a shoe of course. Type a message, hit the send button, and almost instantly the other end has already received and replied to the message. But with text messaging comes text slang, or text language, just as Americans speak English, Canadians speak French everyone speaks a language. With texting, it however has its’ own language with short abbreviations such as “IDK” meaning I don’t know, or “LOL” meaning Laughing out Loud indicating that something is funny, or “IDC” meaning I don’t care and many more combos and abbreviations. Also with text slang comes emoticons, such as a smiley face(: or a wink face(; and even an angry or upset face/; as you can emoticons are the use of one or more symbols too indicate some type of facial expression or emotion. Emoticons and using the term “LOL” can change just about any conversation or tone of a conversation. For example, “Hey” too “Hey(: lol” I’m sure if somebody sent me a text messaging with “Hey(: lol” I would feel a whole different about the flow of the conversation. But the questions that lead me to this topic start with do we as “texters” overuse emoticons and text-slang? Well in some sense we do and at some times it can be inappropriate. For example while conversing with ones parents via text messaging it would be inappropriate to reply to a parental figure with the term “IDK” for the fact they may not understand. Because most of the older generations rarely use text messaging and if one is lucky enough to know how they definitely do not understand the lingo, or even conversing with a co-worker/boss it would be inappropriate as well. It is very simple too type out “I don’t know” instead of “IDK” me being teenager/young adult I would definitely know seeing how much I communicate via messaging. Abbreviations are helpful but not always appropriate in all situations.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Americans and Their Cellphones

Cellphone access in America has become a major necessity in everyday life. The reason being, 9 out of 10 Americans own a cellular device ranging in age, race, and gender. Many Americans use their cellular devices for more than just the usual chat on the phone. Now day’s phones such as the IPhone, can send text messages, surf the web, load applications, listening to music. Basically work as a mini computer. So the option of simply looking up information online, or ordering yourself a pizza can be done without turning a laptop to connect to the internet or picking up a telephone and talking to a live person. The successes that technology has had in the past years is quite amazing but the real question is, could it one day be too much? Do we as Americans depend on cellphones or better yet technology a little too much? For example, standing in a long line of 10 people and nobody knows one another, I’m almost positive that 50% of those people are either playing a game on their phone, sending a text message, updating their latest Facebook status, or simply scrolling through their contacts too assume the position of looking busy. Why you may ask? Because we as Americans, use the cellphone as a scapegoat not too communicate or better yet pass time. Most Americans wouldn’t be caught dead leaving the house without some sort of communication device; we use them for many different reasons for work, school, and simply entertainment. It could be considered a form of addiction a person drives 10 miles down the street and realizes they’ve forgotten they’re “form of communication” and I can guarantee that they turn around to get that device. We’ve grown accustomed to having a cellphone.
When someone is asked the question has the luxury of having the cellphone become a necessity? Well in today’s life we as a generation wouldn’t consider it a luxury, we’ve become accustomed to it, and it is pretty much what we know. However when the idea of a cellphone came about it was expensive and something completely never heard of, so very little people had the opportunity of even owning such, But in today’s day the knowledge of cellphones and price of owning one is extremely reasonable which would be why 99% of people have them. Also one can’t really consider the fact that we as people are not thankful for having the luxury of a cellphone but in all honesty one can’t call someone ungrateful for something that has always been around. I do believe that Americans depend on technology, especially mobile devices we use them in everyday life so it is necessary to own or have the fear of being ostracized because he/she is still living in the Stone Age.